Plans Exit Here

IMG_3328.JPGBreakfast! Nothing like a good B&B breakfast. Coffee, OJ, blueberry waffles or pancakes, fruit… a great way to start our day. Today begins a lesson in compromise. I planned this trip for months selecting cool stuff to see, knowing where gas stations and likely good backcountry campsites would be found. I checked in with Jason throughout the planning. He was on board. Now he has decided we should leave out Rainbow Bridges National Monument and Goblin State Park and the exploration of a number of vistas, trails and ruin sites in between to double back to hike in Moab. Jason has his nose buried in his smartphone and is rattling off weather projections for tonight and tomorrow. I eat my waffles with an internal conversation drowning out much of what he is saying.

“Yes, you’re married now. You don’t get a monopoly on every last detail. Besides, if you were listening to him right now…” “But I really REALLY wanted to see Natural Bridges.” “Ok, that will be another time. Don’t be selfish with this wise, wonderful man.  Give him a break, ok?” “OK…sigh.”

With that mentally hashed out I return to our breakfast, already in progress. Jason concludes with something about snow and wind and I nod though I’ve missed most of it. Today I have no idea where we’re going and that will just have to be ok. Who knows? We might discover something really cool and not found on a map. Back at the room we pack up and load the car for our trek back to Moab.

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